Beryl Area
11 kboepd (2022 production)
Production from the Beryl Area averaged 11 kboepd in 2022 (2021: 12 kboepd). Production was impacted by lower reliability, underperformance from the Storr-2 development well and delays to the Buckland South West well which is expected on-stream in the second quarter of 2023. In 2023, planned drilling comprises platform drilling at Beryl Bravo and Alpha and a development well at Storr. However, the operator is not undertaking further development drilling on Beryl's satellite field Nevis West in 2023 following changes to the EPL.
Beryl - 39.4% non-operated
The field was developed in three phases. The first two phases developed the oil reserves using a large concrete platform (Beryl Alpha) in the south of the field, together with a smaller steel platform (Bravo) to the North.
A separate riser platform bridge-linked to Beryl Alpha was installed in 1990 to deal with the third gas phase.
The Beryl Area consists of Beryl and the following fields:
Buckland - 37.5% | Callater - 45.0% | Ness - 39.4% |
Nevis - 39.0-49.0% | Skene - 34% | Storr - 41.0% |